Corporate Express, then Staples, briefly as Winc ... and now since 2018, NXP.
NXP has been in New Zealand 30 years, under four different brands/owners:
1995 - Dutch giant Corporate Express purchased 16 office supplies businesses in NZ
2010 - Staples Inc of USA acquired the business and re-branded as Staples
2016 - Platinum Equity of USA acquired Staples in AU/NZ and re-branded as Winc
2018 - Five local NZ investors acquired the NZ business and re-branded as NXP
That's a rich history with many impactful initiatives and individuals. We salute you all.
So, who are the current owners and what's the background?
NXP's Board are those five local investors who took on the business in 2018:
Tom Sturgess (Chair)
Kevin Tennant (Exec Director)
Rob Astley (Finance Director)
Greg Howell (Director)
Russell Hewitt (Director)
In 2023 Anne-Marie Sutton (CEO) and David Box (GM Sales) acquired minority shareholdings.
In 2018 the NZ Commerce Commission required Platinum Equity to exit one of the two major business supplies distributors that they had acquired in New Zealand. Platinum chose to sell Winc.
The Commission had a strong preference for local, non-trade investors to take on Winc. But it wasn't easy - the new owners were going to have to migrate the business from being a branch of the Winc AU - and stand it up as an independent company with its own ERP system, management, website, supply chain and brand.
Which we did. Yes, it took time and significant investment - but NXP is now an impressive, integrated business supplies enterprise, with long-term owners who care.
Since then, we've added to the business - with NZOS and Corporate Consumables acquired in 2021 and integrated inside NXP. We also acquired The Service Company and then Biotech, which are run as an independent division specialising in supplying consumables to the commercial cleaning & hospitality sectors.
So, quite the journey, and speaking on behalf of our owners = it is a privilege to be involved with such a dynamic and well-managed business.