Nestle Milo 310g

$10.57 pack 1
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Product Code00003520 NZOS Code111025 Manufacturer Code12068116
  • Low GI* to provide sustained energy to keep you going for longer.(*Glycemic Index = 40 (Low) made with trim milk)
  • Source of Protein to help nourish growing muscles
  • 8 Vitamins and minerals to support effective energy release in the body. When MILO and milk is consumed as part of a healthy diet containing a variety of foods
  • UTZ Certified
    A tasty alternative for the non-tea and coffee drinker in the office and a nutritious energy food drink.
Classic NZ Taste Milo drink Kiwis have known and loved for more than 80 years, delivering a malty, milky flavour along with that rich chocolaty taste that Kiwi's love!
Sustainable Choices
  • Product certified independently by an accredited, industry-accepted NZ or global third party to meet specified environmental, social or other sustainability standards
  • Product and/or packaging meets defined standards for recycling via programmes operating in the NZ market
  • The manufacture, growth or disposal of the product delivers positive outcomes for people in terms of sustainable development, fair trade, health outcomes, workforce participation or equality
  • Product made from 30% or more rapidly-renewable materials, bio-based plastics or agricultural residues


Country of Origin


NXPlanet Criteria

3rd Party Certification

Rainforest Alliance



Social Benefit


Sustainably Sourced Product


Milk and sugar

Don't forget the long-life milk and sugar

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