Don't be fooled by appearances: this pint-sized wonder is more than ready to step up as your personal clean air assistant. Ideal for home office type environments, the TruSens Z1000 uses advanced DuPontâ„¢ filtration technology and bi-directional airflow to capture and neutralise contaminants (including airborne viruses) from all around the room. Opt for peace of mind in these uncertain times: TruSens gives you the confidence to breathe easy.
TruSens eliminates 99.99% of airborne coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in your indoor space.*
*Results from independent third-party testing using aerosolized airborne concentration of human coronavirus 229E over a two-hour period in a sealed 30m3 test chamber. HCoV-229e is a well-established surrogate for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19).